So it appears I can’t make a blog about any of my beliefs because if I do then they miraculously change and I’m left in the position of deciding whether or not to continue the blog. Ugh.

Basically, I… well, I’ve become a radfem. And therefore my views on trans people are a bit different. I will still absolutely respect you if you are trans and use your preferred name and pronouns, but I no longer deny biology. I know that I’m female. Dysphoria doesn’t change that.

There are trans radfems, who transition to cope with dysphoria. And there are others who have dysphoria but decide not to transition. As for me… I honestly don’t know. For now, I think I’m going to stop identifying as trans for a while, at least until I figure things out. So… sorry. If you’ve followed my blogs you’ll know that I say that a lot… but still.

If anyone wants to take over the blog, feel free to. I might post the occasional update, but apart from that the blog will stay pretty silent. After only a few posts, too. It’s a shame.

I had a few other ideas for posts which… I might make? But they’ll be more focused on the LGB side of things, rather than the T.

So see you guys around.